工商管理博士论文马雷鹏“SAP动态能力:软件工业中对全球分布的研究与开发网络的管理” -


Business School




发布时间:2021-04-22 13:00:06

The sustainable long-term growth and survival of a corporation can only be achieved through the ongoing creation of innovative products and services. This is especially true in today’s global software industry, which is characterized by ever-shorter product cycles, intense global competition and knowledge-intense research and development (R&D). The effective organization and management of a corporate R&D function in a software enterprise has thus become a key success factor for sustainable competitive advantages.

企业的可持续长期增长和生存只能通过以下方式实现: 不断创造创新的产品和服务。 在当今的全球环境中尤其如此 软件行业,其特点是产品周期越来越短,全球竞争越来越激烈 和知识密集型研究与开发(R&D)。 有效的组织和 因此,软件企业中企业R&D功能的管理已成为关键的成功 持续竞争优势的因素。

This dissertation designs, implements and evaluates an organizational transformation and its supporting framework for a globally dispersed R&D organization in the software industry as part of a two-year longitudinal case study at SAP, one of world's largest software company.

本文设计,实施和评估了一个组织变革及其过程。 作为软件开发的一部分,为软件行业中遍布全球的研发组织提供支持框架 SAP是全球最大的软件公司之一,为期两年的纵向案例研究。

Based on the action design research methodology, this cross-disciplinary participatory study, which draws from the areas of strategic management, global R&D management, organizational theory and organizational change management, to take a systematic approach to investigate this phenomenon and obtain a normative model of global R&D organizational enhancements, thus informing managerial practice related to the improvement of global R&D networks. Although it focuses on global R&D network improvement in the software industry, the major research outcomes are likely to be generalized and applied to other industries that follow a globally distributed R&D model.

基于行动设计研究方法论,该跨学科参与性研究 从战略管理,全球研发管理,组织理论和 组织变更管理,采取系统的方法来调查这种现象 并获得全球研发组织增强的规范模型,从而告知 与改善全球研发网络有关的管理实践。 虽然它专注于 全球软件产业研发网络的改善,主要的研究成果可能会 推广并应用于遵循全球分布式R&D模型的其它行业。

The findings of this thesis indicate that the successful organizational transformation of a global R&D network requires that R&D network management be established as a new dynamic capability to achieve and secure competitive advantages in high-velocity environments. Dynamic capabilities are especially critical in responding to the frequent disruptive innovations, mergers and acquisitions and new business models that characterize the global software industry, as they allow for the ongoing reconfiguration of the firm's tangible and intangible assets. In this study, the dynamic capability of R&D network management is understood to comprise the key abilities of sensing, seizing and transforming threats in the tradition of Teece et al. (2009).

本文的研究结果表明,全球研发的成功组织转型 网络要求将研发网络管理建立为一种新的动态功能, 在高速环境中获得并确保竞争优势。 动态能力是 在应对频繁的破坏性创新,合并和收购以及 代表全球软件行业的新业务模型,因为它们允许持续不断的发展 重新配置公司的有形和无形资产。 在这项研究中,动态能力 R&D网络管理应理解为包括感知,抓住和防御的关键能力。 Teece等人的传统改变了威胁。 (2009)。

The case study conducted as part of this thesis describes how the enterprise under study established these key abilities through an organizational intervention. First, sensing incorporates the definition and frequent updating of location strategy for each of the three archetype business models (product,customer, infrastructure) found inside each company, including guidelines and policies for global work design and the allocation of R&D resources. Second, seizing provides geographical information system designs and the location-specific consolidation of internal and external key performance indicators to global organizational transparency and identify global location portfolio trends at an early stage.

作为本文一部分的案例研究描述了被研究企业如何建立 通过组织干预这些关键能力。 首先,感应结合了定义 并经常更新三种原型业务模型(产品, 客户,基础架构),包括每个公司的准则和政策 工作设计和研发资源的分配。 二,抢占提供地理信息 系统设计以及内部和外部关键绩效的特定于位置的合并 指标,以建立全球组织透明度并确定全球位置组合趋势 早期阶段。

Though the action design research, which the author actively conducted with a dedicated project team, the enterprise under study established the ability to seize by setting up a dedicated location management organization with cross-functional team members to run an integrated location management process in which individual location decisions are made and reviewed in accordance with location strategy and guidelines. The enterprise’s ability to transform itself in the global R&D network management context was achieved by defragmenting software development teams around the world, employing communication efficiency as efficiency criterion, principles of lean work organization as major design criteria and rationalizing historical locations that no longer fit the firm’slocation strategy.

尽管是笔者在一个专门的项目中积极进行的动作设计研究 团队,被研究的企业通过建立一个专门的位置管理组织并具有跨职能团队成员来运行集成位置,从而建立了抢占能力 管理过程,在该过程中,将根据个人位置决定并进行审查 以及地理位置策略和指南。 企业在全球研发中进行自我转型的能力 网络管理环境是通过对周围的软件开发团队进行碎片整理来实现的 世界,以通信效率为效率标准,精益工作的原则 组织作为主要设计准则,并合理化不再适合该公司的历史位置 区位策略。

This study makes a significant contribution to the strategy management field and its theory of dynamic capabilities by describing a model for implementing dynamic capabilities through organizational interventions. The study identifies the modular design of R&D networks as the next evolutionary stage in R&D globalization and shows how a fragmented global R&D organization was transformed into a modular global R&D function, an organizational form with significantly lower coordination costs. As global R&D networks continue to actively manage and reconfigure their global location portfolios and team allocations, this study shows how global R&D network management can be introduced as a dynamic capability through organizational interventions such as that implemented at SAP.
这项研究为战略管理领域及其理论做出了重要的贡献。 通过描述用于通过以下方式实现动态功能的模型来实现动态功能 组织干预。 这项研究确定了研发网络的模块化设计是下一个 研发全球化的发展阶段,展示了分散的全球研发组织是如何发展的 转变为模块化的全球研发职能,这种组织形式的成本大大降低 协调费用。 随着全球研发网络不断积极地管理和重新配置其全球 位置投资组合和团队分配,这项研究显示了全球研发网络管理可以如何 通过诸如实施的组织干预作为动态能力被引入 在SAP。


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